Friday, November 12, 2010

Proper Preparation For Your NREMT Exam

Study Time

 Provide plenty of time in advance to study. NREMT tests are not one thing you should cram for. Create a schedule and create a habit of studying for the NREMT during this period. Set aside the start of each study session when you are most alert to the areas you have the most frustration. It’s good exercise to study that night, the material you talked about that day. If you attend an evening NREMT class, review immediately the next morning.

Audio Reviews

 Audio Reviews like those you can put on an MP3 player or play on a CD in your car can be a great resource and NREMT study guide for studying. The repetition of principles and ideas will really fortify what you learn while in class and review from your notes and books. These usually are remarkable study resources for all those moments when you would ordinarily not be able to review for the NREMT including in the car, exercising, jogging, etc.

Study Sheet

 One quite helpful tool you can make while you study is to summarize and outline the material to be used later as a study sheet. Doing this accomplishes two things; First, it supplies you with an instant, overview of the NREMT material for review in the future, and by outlining and re-writing your content, it reinforces what you learned that day. Anytime you re-write a principle in your own words, it really reinforces those principles.


 Flashcards do the job very well, especially when you need to memorize terms or simple concepts like drug actions, indications and dosages. The use of flashcards can significantly enhance your NREMT exam study time. Not to mention, flashcards printed on notecards are easy to take with you wherever you go so you can make use of downtime to study such as when you travel, during lunch, etc. When creating your NREMT study flashcards, be sure to put them into categories for easy “grab and go” review.

Utilize Your Instructors

 Don’t limit the expertise of your teacher to only the amount of time you spend in school. The majority of course instructors are more than happy to guide you outside of class, particularly if you are struggling with a specific subject. With the NREMT, it’s important that you thoroughly understand all of the difficult subjects that you will be expected to know for the NREMT assessment.

NREMT Review Groups

 This is IMPORTANT! If you don’t already have a study team together, get one. Keep two things in mind when you are in search of study companions; Those that seem to “Get It” in class and those that live close to you. The first one is obvious. It does you no good to study with individuals that are really having difficulties unless you believe that by assisting these individuals you yourself will gain more expertise which is often the case. They claim that if you can explain a principle, then you genuinely understand it. The second is also important. Find individuals that reside in the vicinity of you. You will be much more likely to maintain a study schedule if you reside near each other as opposed to one of you needing to commute an hour or more each time you plan on reviewing. Also, keep your NREMT review periods to a realistic amount of time and have a plan on what you will cover. I like 2-3 hours.

Practice Tests

 I put Practice Assessments at the bottom for a reason. While I feel practice exams can be valuable, I believe that individuals often times depend on them far too much. These people take a few practice tests from a book they purchased, do fairly well, and think they’re finished. This can actually give a person false hope. I do think that practice tests are great for aiding to recognise the parts you ought to focus your review. With that being said, the most useful way to pass the NREMT is to simply understand your material. I believe that mixing an effective practice exam with a good audio NREMT exam study guide, flashcards and review sheets are the most helpful.

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